Reviews, essays and personal research

WRITING Essays, critical writing and personal research

2020 The (Photo)book: On Potentiality. Belgian Platform for Photobooks. September 2020.

2019 A Series of Formulations on the Musealisation of Photography. Commissioned essay for Thing, Aura, Metadata: A Poem on Making. OVER Magazine, Issue 1. June 2020 / Originally published in the catalogue of the homonymous exhibition curated by Ayn Seda Yildin for Parallel-European Photo Based Platform and Photoireland Festival 2019, pp. 30-33.

WRITING Reviews for magazines

2020 The Precarious Archive. Stefanos Tsivopoulos in conversation with Natasha Christia and Daria Tuminas. Doc! Magazine 46: Collective Memory (ed. Daria Tuminas, Fall 2020.

2018 Yusuf Sevinçli. Oculus. 1000 Words Ten Anniversary Printed Issue 2018.2018 Tom Griggs and Paul Kwiatowksi. Ghost Guessed. 1000 Words 28, Spring issue 2018.2017 Mathieu Pernot. Les Gorgan. 1000 Words 26, Autumn issue 2017.2017 Laia Abril. Lobismuller. 1000 Words 24, Winter issue 2017.

2016 James Pfaff. Alex & Me. 1000 Words 23, Autumn issue 2016.2016 Dragana Jurisic. My Own Unknown. 1000 Words 22, Spring issue 2016.2016 Vittorio Mortarotti. The First Day of Good Weather. 1000 Words 21. Winter Issue 2016.

2015 On Devastation and other Stories. An Entry on Regine Petersen. Photocaptionist 2015.

2014 La Kursala. Aperture Photobook Review 007.

2013 Sara-Lena Maierhofer, Dear Clark, 1000 Words 16, Autumn issue 2013.2013 Rinko Kawauchi, Sheets. Book press release. Kominek books, 2013.2013 Misha Kominek, Strangers in Paradise. Book press release. Kominek books, 2013.2013 Misha Kominek, First Journey Home. Book press release. Kominek books, 2013.

2012 Alexandra Catiere, Here, beyond the mists, 1000 Words 16, Fall issue 2012.2012 Robert Capa: Cuadernos de guerra en España (1936-1987 /Robert Capa: Photographs 1985 / Robert Capa: Paragraphic 1969 / Robert Capa: Images of War, 1964 / Robert Capa, War Photographs, 1960. A series on articles on the history of the Robert Capa photobooks: Robert Capa en la historia del fotolibro. Exhibition blog La Maleta Mexicana, MNAC 2011-2012.

2011 Rinko Kawauchi, Illuminance, 1000 Words 12, Fall issue 2011.2011 Martina Hoogland-Ivanow, Far Too Close , 1000 Words 11, Spring issue 2011.2011 Tereza Zelenková, Supreme Vice, 1000 Words 10, Winter issue 2011.

2010 Melinda Gibson, The Photograph as Contemporary Art, 1000 Words 9, Fall issue 2010.2010 José Ramón Bas, NDAR,Vu Mag 5 (collections), p. 53.2010 Emily Hanako Momohara, Koden: Images from Funeral Homes, 1000 Words 8, Summer issue 2010.2010 Hellen van Meene: Tout va a disparaitre, 1000 Words 7, Spring issue 2010.

2009 Lilian Bassman/Paul Himmel, Eyemazing 04/2009.2009 Anthony Gayton: Beautiful Freaks, Eyemazing 04/2009.2009 Kelli Connell: Double Life, 1000 Words 6, Spring issue 2009.2009 Steve McCurry: The Unguarded Moment, Eyemazing 03/2009.2009 Theresia Viska: La Dance Française, Eyemazing 03/2009.2009 Jen Davis: Self-Portraits, 1000 Words 5, Summer issue 2009.2009 Miroslav Tichý: Forbidden Gaze, Eyemazing 02/2009.2009 Vladimír Židlický: Beneath the Skin, Eyemazing 02/2009.2009 Czech Photography in the 20th Century: Interview with curator Vladimír Birgus. Eyemazing 02/20009.2009 Martin Parr: Mexico, Photoicon, 05/2009.2009 Izima Kaoru: Landscapes with a Corpse, 1000 Words 4, Spring issue 2009.2009 Gerardo and Fernando Montiel Klint: Matehuala, Eyemazing 01/2009, p. 82-91.2009 Gonzalo Bénard: The Awakening of the Self, Eyemazing 01/2009, p. 134-141.

2008 Dana Popa: Not Natasha. Next Level 16 (Autograph Issue), 2008, p. 074-079.2008 Trinidad Carrillo: Naini and the Sea of Wolves. Conversation with Trinidad Carrillo, 1000 Words 3, Winter issue 2008.2008 Ixone Sádaba: Poètique de la Desaparition, Eyemazing 04/2008, p. 142-149.2008 Marcos López: Sub-realismo criollo. Eyemazing 03/2008, p. 64-69.2008 Lalla A. Essaydi: Les Femmes du Maroc, Next Level 14 (White Issue), 2008, p. 30-34.2008 Jöel-Peter Witkin: Human Kind. Eyemazing 02/2008, p. 138-143.2008 PHE08: Towards New Topographies Meeting with Sérgio Mah, PHE08 new art director, Eyemazing 02/2008, p. 152-155.2008 June Newton aka. Alice Springs: Mirror, mirror on the wall -how am I doing as night-time falls?, Eyemazing 01/2008, p. 112-121.2008 Anthony Gayton: Falling Awake. Eyemazing 01/2008, p. 88-99.

2007 Biel Capplonch, Eyemazing 04/2007, p. 78-83.2007 John Wood: Endurance and Suffering. Narratives of Disease in the 19th century, Eyemazing 04/2007, p. 148-159.

2006 William Lamson. H Magazine 73, 5/2006.2006 Laurie Simmons, Galleries Magazine 1, Spring 2006.2006 Michael Wolf: Architecture of Density, H Magazine 70, 2/2006.2006 Getty Best Photographers 2006: Next Big Thing, H Magazine 70, 2/2006.

2005 Sato Shintaro, H Magazine 68, 11/2005.2005 Sun City: Hans Heijnen y Peter Granser, H Magazine 65, 07/2005.2005 Johan Grimonprez: Looking for Alfred, H Magazine 62, 04/2005.

2004 Kyoko Hamada: Historias mínimas, H Magazine 58, 12/2004.2004 Lauren Greenfield: Ángeles caídos, H Magazine 56, 9/2004.2004 Larry Fink: Apocalypse Now, H Magazine 57, 11/2004.

Writing / Essays for artists, exhibitions and books

2019 Israel Ariño-Clara Gassull. La gravetat del lloc. Commissioned introduction (wall) text. Fotointerpretacions 2019. Biblioteca Agustí Centelles, Barcelona, 2019.2019 Yusuf Sevinçli: Turmaline. Accompanying text for the exhibition booklet. InCadaques Festival 2019.2019 Fernweh. Accompanying Essay to Lukas Birk: Fernweh. Fraglich Publishing 2019.

2016 Radicalia. Short exhibition essay for Piero Martinello’s Radicalia exhibition, Rencontres d’Arles 20162016 ¿Cómo unas fotos de estudio acabaron siendo material de una exposición en la Tate Modern? La historia de Foto Ramblas (1956-1998). Short essay for the Fotoramblas chapter of the exhibition Quadrilàter, Fundación Setba, Barcelona.

2015 Regine Petersen: Find a Fallen Star. Essay accompanying the homonym book by Regine Petersen: Find a Fallen Star. Kehrer, 2015.

2013 Lina V Persson: As rhythm was slow. Contributing essay to the artist’s exhibition, Impossible Barcelona, November-December 2013.2013. Trinidad Carrillo: The Name from Mars. The essay has appeared alongside Johanna Willenfelt’s text in the artist’s self-published book The Name from Mars. Göteborg, Sweden, 2013.2013 José Antonio Carrera: Dream Street, galería Tagomago, Barcelona, Marzo 2012.

2012 El taller con Mark Klett / The workshop with Mark Klett, in Refotografiar Barcelona amb Mark Klett. Exhibition catalogue (essay in Spanish-Catalan-English), Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona, January 2012.

2011 Jordi Gual: Unstable Balance, galería Tagomago, Barcelona, February 2011.

2009 Retratos de familia: Jordi Gual-Caterina Barjau / Family Portraits: Jordi Gual-Caterina Barjau. Exhibition essay, in Spanish and in English of the exhibition “Retratos de familia”, held at the Tagomago gallery,Barcelona, in January 2009.2009 Anthony Gayton, Behold the Man. Catalogue essay in Spanish and in English of the Anthony Gayton show at the MITO Gallery,Barcelona, in November 2009.2009 Emporio. La Santa Cultura Visual vol. 3, 2009. Introduction and essays on the 23 featured visual artists.

2008 Los collages sonoros de Giambliss Giobbi / The sonorous collages of Giambliss Giobbi. Catalogue essay in Spanish and in English of the Chambliss Giobbi show held at the MiTO gallery, Barcelona, in November 2008.2008 Ramón Masats. La Nueva Mirada. Catalogue essay in Spanish and in English of the homonymous exhibition held at KOWASA gallery, Barcelona, in June 2008.2008 Katherine di Turi: Glamorous Day-Dream. Essay in Spanish and in English of the exhibition “Katherine di Turi. Glamorous Day-Dream” held at Square Studio, Barcelona in April 2008.2008 Ultramarinos. La Santa Cultura Visual vol. 2, 2008. Introduction and essays on the 23 featured visual artists.Brian Dettmer, The Cemetery of Forgotten Books. Catalogue essay in Spanish and in English of the Brian Dettmer show at the MITO Gallery, Barcelona, in January 2008.

2007 BAC! Festival 07: Babylon. Introductory catalogue of the group exhibition held at the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (28-11/22-12-2007), La Santa Editorial: Barcelona, November 2007.