General art direction, design and coordination of the gallery program.

Special conception of the following exhibitions (as curator)
Chiaroscuro. KOWASA gallery, September-November 2013
Just Kids. KOWASA gallery, April-July 2013
Mariano Zuzunaga: A Selected Offering. KOWASA gallery, April-June 2011
Generaciones. KOWASA gallery. December 2010-January 2011
La Visión del Otro: La Modernidad y el Rostro fotografiado. KOWASA gallery, abril-mayo 2009. Traveling exhibition: Festival Latitudes 2010, Huelva, February-March 2010
Espacios Imaginarios: Masao Yamamoto-Israel Ariño-Isabel Mata de Vivero-Aleydis Rispa. KOWASA gallery, September-November 2009
Oriol Maspons: Un fotógrafo insólito. KOWASA gallery, December 2008-February 2009
Ramon Masats: La Nueva Mirada. KOWASA gallery, June-July 2008 (exhibition + book)
George S. Zimbel: Energy. KOWASA gallery, April-May 2008
Fotografía Centroeuropea. San Benito, Centro Municipal de Exposiciones de Valladolid, June-July 2006 (traveling exhibition)